July 04, 2016

Creatures 2 Must-Haves

(Originally posted at Creatures Caves)

This list includes stuff that most new players will most likely need to get the most out of the game, such as updates and fixes. I have also added a few COBs that aren't really fixes as such but can make the game more fun.

All of the agents on this list should have a download link. If they aren't working try searching the Creatures Wiki.

Finally, please ensure you have installed the Creatures Remastered Patch before installing these downloads, otherwise they may not work correctly.

Note: I have omitted all official updates as this list is intended for use with the Albian Years version of Creatures 2.

General Updates & Fixes
* Albian Updates
* Canny Norns or Nova Subterra Norns are an absolute must-have.
* Sleep Restore
* Bunch of Stuff Update
* More Updates
* Ball Update
* Frog Norn Update
* Eat Meat Update
* Ettin Egg Fixer
* Saxophone Update
* Potato s.16 File Update
* Tomato Sprite Replacement
* One Chomp Nuts and Tomatoes

Official Addons
* Boney Grendel
* Halloween Pack
* Christmas Pack

Breed Fixes
* Male PMN Fix

World Objects and Expansion
* Plato Project
* Barrel Room
* Mover Buttons
* Bridges
* Organizer
* Room 12 Update
* Floor Update
* Room 146 Update
* Cloud Update
* Bridge and Barrier Pack
* Cloud Nursery
* Sea Ledge

* More Coconuts
* Hollow Coconuts
* Hive and Honey
* Radar Plant
* Bilberry Bush
* Rainbow Pepper Plant
* Bananas
* Tasty Mushroom Patch
* Food Vendor
* Popping Mushroom

Breeding Tools
* Breedable Ettin and Breedable Grendel Packs
* Inseminator
* Birth Control
* Sperm Pack v1.2

* Grendel & Ettin Control
* PickMeUp
* Injections
* Eat You Stupid Norn!
* Goldfish Bowl
* Spider 2
* Pillbug Stone
* Ant Pack
* Easy Talk Computer
* Scarlet Pufferfish
* Underground Sweepers
* Commands
* Flower Pack
* Force Field
* Sleepytime
* Eggfinder


  1. Wow, there's not a lot of good lists like this for C2 out there. Thanks!

  2. Have you tried any of GimmeCat's COBs? I think they're newer than your list, so you might not have tried them all yet. What do you think of them?

  3. Hi Malkin! I believe the only ones I've tried are the Pump Fix and the World expander, and I believe I had a few issues with the Pump Fix the first time I tried it. I'll test the agents out and if they work without issues I'll add them to the list.

    1. The Pump Fix works fine, as does everything else, so I'll get to work adding them to the list soon!

  4. Thank you for listing my Pmn fix - it's nice to see it is counted as a must have. But I would be happier if you did not direct link to the rar and link to the page itself,Thank you.. https://sites.google.com/site/norngirlstemporarystorageplace/
