January 27, 2014

Creatures Beats! Now Available on YouTube!

I haven't been very active on the blog for several months, mostly because my interest in Creatures has dwindled. I have, however, been working on Creatures Village Reorchestrated, although I currently have no release date for it, but as soon the project is ready I will definitely be letting everybody know.

Now, onto the subject of this post. My Creatures EP, Creatures Beats!, was released for the CCSF in 2012. Personally, I feel I had to rush it, and it doesn't sound as good as I wanted it to. However, today I have finally decided to get off my behind and upload the EP in its entirety to Docking Station Galaxy's YouTube account. This way the EP is always available for listening to!

Tomorrow I hope to record some more Creatures videos, seeing as there are, embarrassingly, only two on the YouTube Channel. I have plans to record a walkthrough of sorts for Docking Station, and also a video showing the locations of some of the best downloads available for the Creatures games.

Listen to Creatures Beats! on YouTube!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, C-Rex! It's great to see a post from you! Now I can enjoy these songs very easily. I forgot how nicely this turned out. Thanks for uploading it to YouTube! Good luck with the additional videos: I managed to post two this weekend after deciding to finally sit down and get them done. It does take some extra time, but I don't think there's anything better than watching Creatures in real time!
