June 09, 2016

Discover Albia has a Forum!

After plenty of preparation and testing, Jessica's website, Discover Albia, now has a forum! It features Creatures Challenges, discussions, guides and even a help section for getting help with the games.

Please read the rules before joining. You can also get more information from Jessica's original announcement post here!


  1. Thanks for spreading the word, C-Rex! Likely the approve-only feature for new registrations will be gone within the next week. Just me making sure things are OK as we get underway! I'll be sure to let you know when that happens if you would like to update this post. Thanks again for sharing, and I look forward to chatting with you some more over on the forum!

  2. Wait, wasn't this x-posted on creaturescaves? But it's not there now? Why?

    1. There was a little bit of a misunderstanding but things should hopefully be sorted out soon!

    2. It seems despite my attempts to cooperate, the owner of Creatures Caves does not wish for me to link to the forum for some reason, despite me having permission from Jessica. Nevermind, their loss I suppose!

  3. Just a note that as of today, user registrations no longer require admin activation! There is still a short process involved to thwart spambots, but new users no longer need to wait for me. There are lots of conversations starting up, and the first month of Creatures Challenges has been unveiled... But there's plenty more to come! Thanks again for spreading the word, C-Rex, and hopefully we'll see lots of players joining this new forum soon!

    1. Thanks for putting the word out there Jessica, I'll update the post to reflect the changes. :)
