I am happy to announce that DS Galaxy's Twitch livestream, NornHub, has officially returned! I originally launched it last year, but was unfortunately unable to stream on a regular enough basis to make it worthwhile, so decided to cancel it. However, with my laptop I am now able to stream much more frequently. I am also now accepting creature submissions, so if anyone has anything they want to to send to me please e-mail me at DSGalaxyblog(at)gmail(dot)com. Please also let me know what sprites your creature uses so they display properly in-game.
As always, I am open to suggestions. As the laptop I am streaming from uses a 16:10 resolution, it means that there are black bars on the livestream. I've been thinking of adding some kind of overlay though, not only to hide them but to make the livestream seem more personalised. I am also considering streaming an actual wolfling run too, giving viewers the opportunity to watch the Norns' progress as they slowly evolve and mutate. I think it's a great idea, and as I have previously said, would love people to send me potential norns to enter into the run!
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