May 27, 2013

R.I.P. Galen: 7th June 2011 - 27th May 2013

 I am saddened to announce that today one of the two blog mascots, Galen, passed away. I'm unsure of the exact cause of death, but he was very old, and no matter how hard I tried he refused to eat anything whatesoever. His friend Quirin, also seems to be very hungry, but he has had a few bites to eat, and seems to be doing well.

Galen, bred by sam999 and Quirin, bred by Jessica, were the two blog mascots chosen by me during a contest to find a new blog mascot. Galen was a cross between an Astro Norn and an Estrella Norn, and Quirin is an Astro Norn with a greenish tint.

The image to the right is the last ever image of Galen alive, taken a while before his death. Him and Quirin were best friends, and spent most of their days playing with each other. They both fathered several children, whom I shall be uploading for adoption soon.

This is the original banner that I made shortly after the mascot contest, showing the two Norns in their childhood. I have updated the banner several times over the years, but today in memory of Galen, I will temporarily change to an older design in his memory. RIP Galen, you will be missed by everyone!

In case anyone's interested, I've uploaded Galen's genome file here. If anyone comes across any problems or a possible explanation for his constant limping I'd love to know!

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