January 01, 2013

What to Expect in 2013!

Happy new year! I'm sure that many members of the Creatures community are aware that hopefully this year we should see Creatures 4 finally see a release. I hope that everyone is looking forward to it as much as I do!

I must also announce that I currently have quite a few plans for this year, and I shall hopefully be much more active than last year!

At the moment I am currently working on a new, improved genome for Creatures 2 entitled the "Survivor Genome". As its name suggest, this new genome will allow for much more robust and resistant Norns that can be revived from unconsciousness with a single slap or tickle, have a much more efficient immune system and are much more physically active, with activities such as sleeping and eating being much more rewarding. I'm also considering to revamp my Tutti-Frutti Norns to make them an actual genetic breed. 

If I manage to get my laptop fixed this year, chances are I'll finish Creatures Village: Re-orchestrated, but for now I'm afraid it is currently on hold, although I may upload a low-quality mp3 or two of the songs I have saved to my iPod.

In regards to the blog, I've considered changing the banner and have asked SpringRain if she would care to help. If anyone else has any help or advice I'd love to know!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The planned updates sound great! I look forward to the C2 Survivor Genome as it would definitely make it less of a hassle to raise C2 norns. Also, for your new banner I was thinking you could have the title of your blog (logo) in like a sci-fi/glowing type text with like the Docking Station image in the middle of the logo sort of like this :)
