August 29, 2012

CCSF 2012 Submissions

Submissions for the CCSF 2012 are now open! To submit any releases, e-mail Jessica (the CCSF 2012 organiser) at discover [dot] albia (at) gmail {dot} com. Submissions must be in by October 24, 2012.

I myself are in the process of making a Creatures EP (five songs) for the CCSF 2012. It consists of remixes of some of the music from the Creatures series.

I am currently looking for samplers for the Creatures EP. If you would like to provide me with feedback in regards to the songs, please send me a request via e-mail. You will find my e-mail on the Contact page.

1 comment:

  1. I gave some feedback about Roll-R-Coaster on the Creatures Caves website. It was a really fun, bouncy tune that I totally enjoyed. Very clever work! At least, I think so. =^_^=
