October 28, 2011

I'm Back! (For Now)

Sorry about my like of activity guys. My life has mainly been devoted to college mainly and I haven't really had time for creatures (or the website for that matter) but I'd just like to let you all know that I'm still here, just a bit busy. If anyone wants to contact me, please e-mail me at TreehuggaNornz@hotmail.com. Also, in just four days is the beginning of the CCSF 2011! I can't wait see what everyone has in store!

I also have some sad news; my fellow user Wiimeiser's father recently passed away, and so my heart goes out to him and his family. I truly cannot imagine the pain he and his family are suffering.

1 comment:

  1. No problem, C-Rex! Sounds like things are very busy for you. Hopefully things are going well! I can't wait for the CCSF: I've got some submitted stuff, yet the real excitement will be seeing what everyone else has come up with.

    So sorry for you, Wiimeiser. I wish you and your family all the best during this difficult time.
